Printable New House Checklist

If you are in the process of downsizing your home and need some guidance on where to start, we have the perfect room-by-room checklist for you. By following this checklist, you can efficiently declutter and organize each space in your house, making the downsizing process much smoother and less overwhelming.

Living Room

Living RoomThe living room is often the heart of the home, so it’s important to make it as comfortable and clutter-free as possible. Start by sorting through your furniture and deciding what will fit into your new space. Consider donating or selling any items that you won’t be taking with you.


KitchenThe kitchen can be one of the most challenging rooms to downsize, as it tends to accumulate a lot of items over time. Begin by going through your cabinets and pantry, discarding any items that are expired or duplicates. Consider donating small appliances or kitchenware that you no longer use.


BedroomWhen it comes to downsizing bedrooms, focus on clothing and bedding. Take the time to go through your wardrobe and donate any items that you haven’t worn in a while or no longer fit. Evaluate your bedding and keep only what you need for your new space.


BathroomClearing out your bathroom can be a refreshing and satisfying task. Start by disposing of any expired medications or toiletries. Limit yourself to only keeping essential items such as towels, toiletries, and a few necessary accessories.


GarageThe garage is often a storage space that accumulates a lot of clutter over time. When downsizing, take the opportunity to declutter and organize your garage. Sort through tools, equipment, and other items, and decide what you truly need and what can be donated or sold.

Once you have gone through each room in your house, you will have a clear understanding of what you want to take with you to your new home. It’s important to remember that downsizing is a process, and it’s okay to take your time and ask for help if needed. By following this room-by-room checklist, you can make the downsizing process more manageable and enjoyable.

Remember to stay organized throughout the process and keep track of any important documents or items that need to be transferred to your new home. Downsizing can be a great opportunity to start fresh and embrace a simpler lifestyle.

Happy downsizing!